Exclusivity – No other competitor in this space
Annual Membership included ($80 value)
Additional membership(s) (4) at a cost of $40 each ($160 value)
Breakfast Sponsor and 5 minute podium presentation ($230 value)
Seat at the reserve table at Spring Symposium with guest with Symposium speaker
Opening Remarks Acknowledgement by Chair at all breakfasts meetings
Company Logo on E-vites to mailing list 4x per monthly breakfast event
Company Logo displayed on table signage
Company logo displayed on website
Link on website to company website
One paragraph Business Highlight on website (150 Words)
Spring Symposium Level 1 Sponsorship ($1,000 value)
5 minute promotional at Breakfast – Key sponsor
Additional four Symposium Registrations Comp’d ($300 value)
5 minute Promotional at Symposium
Sponsorship table at Symposium ($500 value)
Prominent sponsorship table at Symposium
Company Logo at signature line of every email sent regarding the Spring Symposium
E-mail list of all Symposium attendees
Company logo on display during luncheon at Symposium on large screen in banquet room.
Payment can be spread over the year - 3 Payments of $500 spread three months apart