The San Diego Regional Home Care Council provides professional networking and education, while promoting standards of practice for the home care community.
Purpose & Objectives
To promote the expansion of quality home care; to foster high standards of practice in home care; to initiate, sponsor, promote, and implement plans, policies, and activities which may include networking, research, educational programs, and workshops in the field of home care; to engage in any activities appropriate to the accomplishment of the foregoing objectives; to make services available without discrimination as to race, color, creed, or national origin; to interpret the objectives of home care services and programs under State and Federal laws; and to collaborate with all interested parties involved in home care services and programs.
To engage in vigorous representation of members at all levels of government, as deemed appropriate by the membership.
To establish, publish, and support acceptance of the Council Policy Statements at all levels of government.
Home Care provides services to clients and families, of all ages, in their homes for the purpose of restoring, maintaining and promoting optimal health. Individual needs may include:
Chronic conditions requiring frequent observation and monitoring
Chronic or terminal illness requiring a program of pain control and symptom management
Limited ability to perform activities of daily living, cooking and cleaning
Recent discharge from a hospital or nursing facility
Medically fragile or developmentally disabled infants and children
High Risk pregnancy needing around-the-clock monitoring and clinical observation
Clinical requirements for intravenous therapy